Energy Efficiency for Schools

We help schools implement an energy reduction programme using our energy monitoring system. At each step we help you to both reduce your utilities budget and use the software as an educational, learning tool in the classroom.

The installation cost of our energy monitoring system is offset by the savings made year on year.

Saving is simple

Optimal believe the first step in energy management is to monitor, the next is to turn this data into information that can be used to identify savings.

We help you take the simple steps needed to monitor, manage and realise the savings potential inside your school’s energy consumption data, with the minimum of effort.

    From Start to finish

    Step one:  We collect the data and put it in one place, on one independent platform where you can manipulate it at will.

    Step two:  We keep it simple; people will only take action if the options are easy.

    Step three: Engage with the people who matter.  Teachers and children are often blind to the energy wasted around them every day. We get the right information to the right people at the right time, in a format they can understand. Once people start to think about energy usage you will be surprised by what can be achieved.

    Step four:  Keep it going. Your school is changing so your strategy must adapt. At a minimum, continued monitoring will ensure that savings made are maintained.  No more discovering issues in the invoice, after it’s too late to fix them.

      Understanding your buildings

      We help you see what works and what doesn’t, what fits with use and what is excess.  With this knowledge you can fix things before they become broke.

      Understand not just what, but how buildings are consuming expensive utilities.  Small low and no cost actions can save you money, without any negative impact on users.

      The software will keep an eye on utility usage and tell you when consumption anomalies occur, so you can do something about it as it happens and avoid meetings with finance controllers, to explain why the bill is suddenly so high.

        Get the kids involved

        The software may be used in the classroom with children from the age of 4 upwards.  Teachers are using the system in Maths, Science and PSHE to engage pupils with real-world energy awareness.  With real-time, data actions and consumption can be directly linked.

        Don’t underestimate the contribution children can make in the process of reduction, after all they can turn things on and off too.

        Next Steps

        We are here throughout your cost saving journey. Our friendly team is here to help answer any questions or provide information you need. Call 02074399259.